

Long term planning:
The long term planning will ensure all children are given the best start in life and throughout their preschool years.
Our team of professionals are passionate and determined to make a difference in children’s lives through enriching conversations and activities.
Our engagement and partnership with other agencies support and compliment children’s interests and development within the setting and the community.
The experiences offered are based on our expertise and the elements around us. Via careful planning and observation, the EYFS is embedded within our routine and our practical activities such as: gardening, DIY, messy fun, sensory experience, nature discovery, story time, health routine,  music and much more.
All year round children can access and discover a range of exciting activities and resources across all the 7 areas of learning and development.
Together and as well as educational programs, we will celebrate meaningful events in the children’s lives such as: birthday, Christmas, Easter, big school transition and individual events which are in our knowledge.

Medium term planning:
Workshop planning: Throughout each area of the nursery we have workshop areas, construction, role play, and science and investigation are just some examples. These are carefully planned out areas to ensure the children are provided with the best experiences and opportunities. Each area is closely linked with the EYFS to ensure that practitioners are aware of the learning outcomes available for the children in the areas. Workshop planning is reviewed once a term so new lines of interests can be followed and additional resources can be added.
The progress reviews (also knows as termly reports) and monitoring grid form a comprehensive feedback to create a well-balanced and adjusted planning for all children.

Short term planning:
On the day-to-day basis children will discover an exciting range of activities based on their observed interests.

Individual Next Step Planning
Each child will have a range of activities planned for them by their child’s key person. These will be alongside the short term planning and will be taken from the child’s interests and termly next steps, that are shared with parents.


What is a Learning Journal?
At the Warren each child has a learning journal. This is a working booklet of information about your child. We encourage you to fill in ‘all about me’ sheets during the prestart sessions as we believe that parents/carers are a child’s first and most endearing educators and therefore working alongside you and gaining relevant information is so important. We use this journal to record any observations that have been noted about your child’s development. Observations are quick notes of significant moments we may notice in your child’s learning. We include pictures, written observations, and your child’s creations they have made whilst at nursery. As well as to formulate a ‘next steps’ for your child, this helps us to focus on your child’s individual needs and challenge them to progress through all areas of their development. Your child’s learning journal is the responsibility of their key person, they will plan activities for your child using their interests, parent input, their observations and knowledge of your child.
We ask parents to be active in sharing achievements and events allowing us to add these to their child’s learning journal.