Woodland Classroom

We are so excited that our brand new woodland classroom finally opened in Autumn 2020 and as you can see it’s a big hit.

The woodland classroom has doubled our outside space and allows us to bring the children closer to nature 💚

Creating this wonderful space has been a huge team effort and we have so many people to thank.

First of all St. Peter’s Church, Henfield for your support & permission in letting us transform the space.

Southover Manor Educational Trust in Pulborough provided a grant for us to clear the area and start the build and without their financial support our woodland classroom would never have got off the ground!

Co-op’s Local Community Fund enabled us to finish the build, buy storage equipment, furniture, outdoor clothing for the children, educational toys and lots more.

The Woodland Trust for providing many young plants and trees, which over time will help this space develop into a much more natural and native space.

The Henfield Shed for making the children furniture and accessories and Bespoke Interiors on Henfield High Street for making and gifting the beautiful wooden benches.

Our parents and their families for their generous donations enabling us to enhance the space.

The Steyning Bookshop and Julia Donaldson for your gift of a dedicated Stickman story book and cuddly toy. It’s so lovely to be able to read this story to the children in the woods!

Lastly thank you to our parent committee, past and present, for your effort in making this all happen and to our wonderful staff who are making every day so much fun for the children!